We want our school to be open and welcoming to all who would like to support the children. We also want to encourage parents and other adults to help teachers in a variety of ways. The policy document below sets out our policy and procedure is to ensure that the children benefit from as much help and support as possible, and are provided at the same time with the best possible security and protection.
Volunteers may support the school in a number of ways, including:
- hearing pupils read;
- helping with classroom organisation and preparation;
- helping with the supervision of children on school trips;
- helping with group work;
- helping with art or subjects involving other practical activities.
We welcome application from all members of the local community including parents and grandparents. However, regular volunteer placement (weekly or more) will require volunteers to complete a volunteer application form and references. Acceptance for a position will also depend on the outcome of checks carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Our overriding concern is always for the safety and well-being of the children in our care and this underpins our acceptance of all volunteers in school. All volunteers are required to have DBS clearance before they begin work in the school. The Head Teacher has the authority not to accept the help of volunteers if they believe it will not be in the best interests of the children.
Signing in
When volunteers arrive in the school they must sign in at the main school office. They will be supplied with appropriate identification, which they should wear at all times in school. The signing-in process will give the date and time of their arrival. They must also sign out, stating the time they are leaving, and return their badge.
Deployment of classroom volunteers
It is the policy of the school that parent volunteers who come into school regularly do not support in their own child’s class as this can be distracting for the child and may place the class teacher in an uncomfortable situation. Volunteers will be asked to support in classes where there is the most need for individual support.
Mrs Shildrick, our Assistant Head Teacher coordinates the placement of all volunteers in school. Anyone who would like to offer their service as a volunteer should contact her in the first instance.