At Barley Fields Primary School, our Curriculum Promise is a guarantee that we will provide every child with access to an aspirational, high-quality and sequenced curriculum where the needs of your child across a range of developmental areas – academic, social and emotional – will always be at the centre of our provision and planning. We will provide stimulating wider curriculum where all children will benefit from a diverse range of educational experiences and residential visits during their journey through our school.
Our curriculum is built on three pillars of intent (listed above) and has the National Curriculum objectives at its foundation.
We have successfully designed our curriculum to be ambitious and to meet the needs of all children, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence. As our children make progress; they know more, remember more and are able to do more. All children study the full curriculum; a broad range of subjects are taught including English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Computing, Design and Technology, Art, History, Religious Education, Geography and Personal Development. We have carefully considered and analysed our curriculum with regard to equality and the possible implications for pupils with protected characteristics including Special Educational Needs. We do not narrow our curriculum offer to any child but may amend the curriculum to offer bespoke provision if necessary.
Our curriculum promotes high standards and excellence in all areas and is based on practical and first-hand experiential learning. We embed the use of technology across the curriculum and have excellent resources in this area.
In addition to the academic and creative subject teaching, we will promote learning through growth mindset and the enhance the development of personal skills in a fun, caring and mutually supportive environment. Barley Fields Primary is a Rights Respecting School and our ethos actively promotes British Values and Global Learning.
Details of the statutory National Curriculum Programmes of Study (2014) can be found at: