Contact Information

For paper copies of anything on this website please contact the school office.

Head Teacher – Mrs. Caroline Taylor

Barley Fields Primary School
Lamb Lane
Ingleby Barwick
Stockton on Tees
TS17 0QP

For all queries, in the first instance please contact our School Business Manager, Mrs. Christine Hoyle.

Tel: (01642) 767051


Safeguarding Contacts

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) are:

Mrs. Caroline Taylor (DSL)

Mr. Rob Shildrick (DDSL)

Mrs. Clare Shildrick (DDSL)

Mrs T Flores Dominguez (DDSL)

Mrs E Brand (DDSL)

Miss E Perkin (DDSL)

Miss A Barton (DDSL)

The designated governor for Safeguarding is Mrs Glynis Pattison.

SEN Contacts

Our school Special Educational Needs contacts are:

Miss Rachel Johnson – Early Years

Mrs Amy Davage – KS1

Mrs Clare Shildrick – KS2

The designated governor for SEND is Mr Mike Fairbairn.

They can be contacted via the main school office.

Chair of Governors

Mrs Glynis Pattison is our chair of Governors. She may be contacted via letter or will happily contact parents by telephone.  

Details will be provided upon request.

Prince Regent Street Trust

Company Number: 111474011

CEO: Mrs Julia Armstrong

c/o Hartburn Primary School

Adelaide Grove

Stockton on Tees

TS18 5BS

01642 425116

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